Dr. Ron has deeply impacted hundreds of individuals over his career. You may be one of those individuals. As a grateful community we would love to have you share how Dr. Ron has personally impacted your life.
Dr. Ron has deeply impacted hundreds of individuals over his career. You may be one of those individuals. As a grateful community we would love to have you share how Dr. Ron has personally impacted your life.
Ron, I wish there was some way to talk with you. It still seems unreal that you are gone. I know you are dancing and thrilled with being back home. But so many of us just feel lost here without you. Joe, sends me emails with jokes because he can’t do it with you anymore. James does the same in texting. There is just a big gaping hole without you here. But I suppose God told you all those years ago in 1969 that he was sending you back for just a “short” 50 year stint at helping so many of us … until you got to come back. I can imagine your first day back, you probably said to Jesus, “Dang, that wasn’t that bad at all. Just 50 more years like you promised. And just like that, I’m back home with you.”
But the rest of us feel the loss. Joe and James and I try to fill the empty space that is left for each of us … but it’s just not the same. I hope you know now just how special and important you were to so many of us. You always told me you had no friends … uh … I beg to differ. I was at your funeral. I saw just how many friends and loved ones who cherished your love and friendship.
I really miss you, Ron. Life just won’t ever be the same for me with you gone.
Thank you Dr. Ron, for all your great analysis of my life, you were the additional parental figure and friend I needed during the challenging times of my life. I learned so much from you, being a much better husband, father, friend and person. It’s amazing how much we learn by watching those around us, both good and bad. It can be hard to learn and live good parenting/husband skills in life. You taught me so so much and helped me have a much better quality of life. I learned there is only so much we can do on our own, and only so much you can do for us. Thanks for trying to solve some of the issues that just weren’t able to be resolved. Life goes on, we learn, we live and are hopefully much better because of it. I have a great life, and you deserve some great credit. You won the race to heaven. I know you are very happy. Thanks for continuing to watch over me, providing guidance a long the way. Thank you, and God bless.
“Going Home” A Poem
Wounded you stepped onto the battlefield, while others walked away disheartened from shellshock and the chaos. Muddied, wounded, and weighed down you joined us in the trenches for protection from the bombardment of contextualized injustice. But you were brave enough to survey the terrain empathizing with the broken-hearted and healing the walking-wounded. From your suffering we gain inner strength. From your pain we rise from the ashes.
No. I’m not talking about Christ. I’m speaking of a man who modeled his life after Him wanting to know and love Him more fully as he was fully known and loved. Now with Christ and like Christ you live from victory to victory, from glory to glory. Heaven is where you hang your bow (arko). Arrows dipped in Crimson’s deep pierce the constellation of Cancer. One day, you will witness from your predestined position as celestial joy and peace rain down on terrestrial death and disease.
Beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, the light of your courage grows brighter than the Sun. But here on Earth, it illuminates us from within and without, from the voice of one wounded soldier to another, from the prayer of a spiritual father to an orphaned son, from the cry of a helpless newborn to the sigh of a confident Christian going home.
Dear Dori;
Thank you for allowing all of us to be with you and Ron on this journey. It was very selfless and generous of both of you to be transparent on a daily basis, showing us your deep faith and love for God. Ron’s memorial service yesterday was beautiful. It was exactly what I would have expected from him; very little focus on him, and very much focus on Him. My family is deeply grateful to have been blessed to get to know you and Ron. As with so many of his friends, we are so much better having known Ron. We will all make a commitment to love people more, and reflect Jesus more on a daily basis. You will continue to be in our prayers as you adjust to this temporary, albeit painful, separation from your precious husband.
Dear Dori and family, It was a beautiful service. I haven’t had the words to post prior to todays service even though I’ve visited this site regularly to look for updates and read all the stories. You and the family have been in my thoughts, prayers and even in my dreams at least 3 nights since Dr. Ron’s passing. He made a great impact on our family just as he has on so many others we met, heard from and cried with at today’s service. Dr. Ron is the reason our daughter Layla is attending Pepperdine. She will be a sophomore this year and we are so proud of her. She sent Dr. Ron a thank you card the day she received her acceptance. He believed in her before she believed in herself. When our kids were still in high school Dr. Ron brought his graduation cap and gown to a session. Our son has Asperger’s. Dr. Ron did everything he could to help him. It was our son’s dream to go to Stanford and Dr. Ron gave him a copy of his Stanford student id. We photoshopped our son’s picture and name on the photocopy and hung it in his room along with a photo of our son with Dr. Ron, wearing Dr. Ron’s cap and gown. The photo is still on our mantle. Dr. Ron was more than a therapist for us. He was a friend. He touched every member of our family and many of our friends. We had to laugh when at the service we heard people talking about the electric fireplace in Dr. Ron’s office. A few years ago the fireplace stopped working and my husband Roland brought it home and got it working again. He was very easy to talk to. He never judged. When he talked to us he made us feel like we were his family or his best friend. God bless you Dr. Ron.
My heart is hurting as I consider Ron’s wife, Dori, and so many family & friends who will attend Dr. Ron’s Life Celebration Ceremony. Even though I am unable to attend physically, please be assured my spirit and thoughts are with you. Ron called me his ‘Benson Sister’ as we both accepted Bruce & Catherine Benson as our spiritual parents. Now Ron will be joining them in heaven for joyful fellowship. What a precious jewel we had here on earth in Dr. Ron. Yes he could be funny and fun loving; however, he could take a very serious situation that would make most of us feel heavy-hearted and cut past the junk to the core. As I’ve focused several hours pondering and pouring over this blog and life encountering stories so many have shared here, I know for certain we have all suffered a huge loss.
Dr. Ron, Know that you have left a tremendous legacy of grace and truth with Lisa and I as our counselor, pastor and mentor. I am privileged to know your heart, see how you love and hear your words of wisdom–always made accessible with humor, filled with the Spirit, bolstered with intellect and delivered in love. You loved God with all your heart soul mind and strength. Thank you for enlightening and encouraging us to do likewise in the midst of life’s challenges.
“Those who have attained everlasting life in the vision of God doubtless know very well that it is no mere bribe, but the very consummation of their earthly
discipleship; but we who have not yet attained it cannot know this in the same way.” Enjoy the “torrens voluptatis!”
I’ve known Ron and Dori Arko for almost 7 years. My husband and I spent a delightful day with them in 2014 in their home in Newport Beach, California. We’ve talked nearly every two weeks for those past 7 years–heart to heart talks, this time Ron allowing himself to be ministered to.
Dr. Ron and I shared a love for people. a passion for seeing them healed, a delight in God and his ways, a fascination with quantum physics and true science, and so much more. We agreed we were more than friends; we were truly spiritual brother and sister, our hearts knit together by God himself.
Ron was a very wise and gifted therapist, and a great encourager, as so many can testify. He always knew how to build up a person. He made you feel like you were his favorite. He cherished his wife, Dori, in such a tender way, it made you want to weep and do whatever it takes to have that, too.
I confessed to Ron a few weeks ago, as he was wasting away with cancer, that I was not afraid to die. I was afraid of the process of dying.
Yet, seeing how Ron handled his impending departure from this world, with an unwavering faith in God’s goodness, with love and peace and even joy, and absolutely no bitterness, patiently enduring the pain–it changed me.
When he got his diagnosis of terminal cancer, one of the first things Ron did was write his biography. He asked me to edit it (I have been a professional editor). It was a wonderful exercise for him to review his life and tell what he thought was important. Knowing the subtext was especially poignant for me. It made me think about what I would say about my own life.
Something else changed me: what he shared about what happened when he died for 10 minutes at age 15 and went to heaven.
He told me about this heavenly vision just a few weeks before he was released back to glory, as he was getting weaker and weaker from the cancer. At that point he had never told anyone but Dori. I’m glad he has shared it publicly.
“Once you have experienced the glory of God,” he said, “you never see life the same again. You don’t have any fear, and you don’t hang onto things of this world.”
I had always wondered how Ron handled the many traumas of his life so well. How he could be so loving, kind and generous, and have such a loving relationship with his wife, when nothing in his background equipped him for that.
Now I knew.
Ron helped me overcome my fear of dying. In his last days of life, Ron told me that because he had already had God’s glory and love shoot through him when he was in heaven the first time, he believed it changed him on a cellular level and that’s why he always had such a high tolerance for pain. He told me God would prepare me for whatever I would face, just as he had prepared Ron. I could trust in God’s goodness for the means of my death. And now i finally believe it.
“God is good, all the time,” Ron always said. He never wavered in that.
I believe it now, Ron. I believe it. . . . Thank you. Thank you for showing me how to live life as though everything is a miracle. I know this is, as you said, only a temporary separation. I look forward to our reunion, and I can feel you cheering me on from heaven, just as you did from earth.
Dr. Ron and Dori both have been such a huge blessing and encouragement in our lives. We are sad for this temporary loss as Dr. Ron will be truly missed. After learning of Dr. Ron’s passing, He revealed John 14:1-4 right away. What a beautiful confirmation that Dr. Ron is truly in our Fathers house moving into the mansion the Lord has for him. We rejoice in the faithfulness of God and that Dr. Ron’s life has truly been in His hands while lighting the world around him as Dr. Ron lived his life for the glory of God. Dori is beloved like the woman in Proverbs 31:25-30. She has been a bright example without even saying much but just being who she is in Christ. Love and blessings to the Arko family.
Ron has impacted my life as a friend of more than 25 years. Scripture says our days are numbered by God. That means He does not take us until he is finished with our work here. It is hard to believe that based on Ron‘s age and the scope of his work and the people he continued to impact until he left. His days may be finished on earth but if you are reading this, ours are not. That means you still have work to do for God. Some of that may be that since you took the time to write a tribute here, Ron gave you something that you can share with others thereby multiplying the work that he did while God put him on this earth. This is a note of encouragement that we all do that. Whatever Ron gave you, get up in the morning and consciously multiply that gift to others. That way his life will send ripples far beyond what he could have done as one man. That is why God used him to touch your life, so you could pass it on. It is the greatest honor you could pay to him.
My first visit to Ron Arco was 31 years ago. I was engulfed in an internal “terror” that had me terrified I would live the rest of my life in a rocking chair at an insane asylum.
I had just experienced being stripped emotionally naked and then abandoned by a previous psychologist. He had put me in a psychiatric facility and when I got out, he called me and told me he couldn’t see me any longer, he would have one of his assistants see me. My husband got on the phone and told him no thanks.
I was devastated. I felt exposed, broken with no way to put the emotional pieces back together again.
Part of the story is I had been Children’s Director at one of the mega churches in the area and now was Children’s Director at another church. The terror had started several years before coming to Orange County. I had to deal with the stigma of being a Christian placed in a psychiatric facility serving on a church staff. What was going through everyone’s minds? What were they saying to each other that they couldn’t/wouldn’t say to me?
Someone told me about Dr. Ron Arco and helped me connect to him. As you can imagine I had great doubts.
My first visit. I walked in, sat down and shared my story. At the end Ron asked me to sit in the rocking chair. I did. He sat behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.
Ron: Wanda I want you to pray, just talk out loud to God.
Me: (tears streaming) I don’t want to pray. I WANT TO DIE.
Ron: (gently, lovingly) I know you want to die. I want you to pray. Just repeat the words
after me.
Ron would pray a sentence and I would repeat it over and over we did this and then – suddenly the words just began to flow from my heart.
I felt the terror lifting.
Before I left, I remember Ron telling me, “Wanda the terror is going to come back, this release won’t last. So, I drove around Newport and Irvine for a long time not wanting to go home, thinking as long as I stayed in the car I would be free of the “terror.”
After several years of counseling Ron told me one day, “Wanda, your “terror” is not psychological it is physical.” He gave me the name of a Naturopath who was a great help. I’m still fighting the “terror.”
Walking a life enmeshed with internal “terror” is a true Refining Fire. Ron was God’s gift to me to learn how to stay the course, how to stay focused on the Triune God. I truly believe God used Ron Arco to keep me from insanity.
Ron has always been there for me – just an email away. He is now home with the Triune God. God did not give Ron an easy walk on this earth – he had much suffering from many different directions. He was a man who loved God and modeled for those he counseled how to walk with the Triune God in the midst of suffering.
Dori, It has taken me a few days to write because honestly I can not wrap my heart and mind around this. We love your dear husband and our hearts are broken 💛
We love you too Dori, although we didn’t see you regularly, he spoke of you often and well and full of his deep love for you, which helped us to know the couple not just the Man.
Such a great loss this side of heaven is heavens beautiful gain so we rejoice in knowing that he is in glory with the most glorious of all!!
Heaps of love and our Fathers sweetest blessings to you Dori and family !! Anything you need is not not above what we would give. Continually lifting you and yours💛
Paula Reid
It is with great sorrow that I write this. I’ve known Ron since I first met him in catechism (CCD) at st. Daniel’s in Scottsdale Arizona during the 7th and 8th grade In 1968. We would go across the street to the utotem convenience store to Buy gum on breaks.
We didn’t go to the same school till we went to Coronado High School in the fall of 1969. I remember he told me to sit in front of the teachers desk (which was easy for him if seating was assigned alphabetically) because it was easier to become friends with the teacher and you get a better grade by chatting or participating with them. Ron should have been a psychologist.
He also did this by writing his “joke of the day or Confucianism”on the chalkboard before classes. Anal me remembers telling him that he was going to get in trouble for doing that. How wrong I was.
We took a geometry class with mr. Welsh in our sophomore year. Ron was in the hospital for a while and I was taking his homework 2 the hospital . and tutoring him as good as I could in English, chemistry and geometry.
When he came back to school, we were talking to mr. Welsh in his office and Ron said he would have gotten a good grade if he hadn’t been in the hospital. Mr. Welsh changed his grade to an A for the semester. My jaw dropped because I had only gotten a B+. I should have studied psychology.
At the time, I was sure I was going to be an architect in life and I was taking the 3 prerequisite mechanical drawing classes so I could take the 4th year architecture . class. In our junior year He toldme that he was going to take the same glass. I told him he couldn’t because he hadn’t taken the three prerequisite mechanical drawing classes . To my surprise when the senior year started he was in mr. Wunderly’s (who i still see at the LA Fitness in Scottsdale) architecture class with me.( I should have studied psychology)
After Ron got out of the hospital,, he so much wanted to do the things his Buddy’s were doing and his Mom wouldn’t let him do anything. She told me not to let him exert himself. I was weightlifting and playing on a intramural basketball team and he’s so much wanted to participate. It would make me cringe when he would practice his hook shots and I was worried his mom would pop up out of nowhere.
One of the few times I think I ever lied to Ron was when we both worked at Smitty’s Big Town which was the first Superstore in the country. He worked in Sporting Goods and I was working in the grocery department.
It was July 3rd 1973 and the next day we would have been closed for the 4th of July. Back then stores we’re only open 12 hours a day and most were closed on holidays. We were talking in the snack bar about our plans to go to the river Tubing. Since I had a pickup truck I would take a lot of us out to the river. Going down the river in July was both stressful and exerting.
After the store was closed he wasn’t allowed to come back into the grocery store. So he sent one of the cashiers who was going home to go back and she asked me when I was going to pick up Ron and take him to the river next day. This was to my surprise and horror. I knew his mom would kill me if I took him along. So I told the girl to tell him I wasn’t going because my truck had broken down. I always felt guilty about that because I went anyway. Actually I went to the river with the girl in her car.
I think about this time, that Ron decided he had to move out o f his parents house. He asked if I wanted to get apartment with him. I had some reservations. We would have been going to school together and working together. I also thought we were the original ” Odd Couple”. So I came up with a lame excuse and declined.
Then a few months later, he announced was going to go to California and a attend Pacific Christian PC. So the first week o f January 1974, we loaded up my truck and drove to California all day and got into Pacific Christian in the dark of night.
I had told him that I I was obligated to move him because of the thousands of dollars people had contributed to get him out of Arizona and I didn’t want to have to return the money. I think it could have been the original GoFundMe. But I couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t come back.
When we got to PC, some of the guys came out and helped us unload the truck. There was no Dori yet as far as I know but one of the guys was Jim Rosenbach who I had gone to grade school and high school with . I grew up down the street from him and hadn’t seen him for years.
After that, I really didn’t have much contact with him other than occasional phone call. I would go over and see Edna and Bob a couple times a year usually during Christmas. Then in 1999, I got a scholarship to the University of Southern California USC and I stayed with Ron and Dori the first couple of days. He asked if he could come along when I went 2 USC before classes had started. We sat in the Lobby of the Director of the program who.was Dr. Jim Stevenson. We were looking looking into LA Memorial Coliseum when out comes Dr Arthur Laffer.
Ron got real excited and almost giddy and he said “that’s Dr Arthur Laffer”. At that time, that didn’t mean anything to me. I got a lecture from Ron all the way back to Orange County on Reaganomics, Etc.
One other thing I remember about Ron, is that he always liked cars. I think it was in 1972 that Ron bought his first car. It was a white Toyota Corolla. He took it over to my parents house, I don’t think I ever saw him so excited. We drove all over South Scottsdale and he showing me how the nice 5 speed transmission works along with the new thing call the tape deck works. He made me try out the seat witch would lay down flat. He was proud that it was a rice burner. He must have known that there’s going to be an energy crisis in the next few years.
After Ron left , my dad came out and said “what did he want”. I told him he was just showing me the new car he that he had just bought.
My dad always thought that Ron “has more guts then Packing House”. He also thought that Ron was always after something.
I could never understand my dad’s thinking. I always thought Ron gave back more than he took.
I have rambled and babbled long enough. This is great therapy for me. Maybe it is our last counseling session. Send me the bill Ron, I’m still not paying.
To: “wrong arco”
From: “PIK”
When one says that another person is “a rare bird” they are saying that the person as an exceptional and unique individual. Some believe that the expression originated as a reference to how rare (even impossibly fantastic) it is to see a black swan as Europeans thought that all swans were white until they discovered black swans in Australia.
On Friday afternoon, July 12th, Dr. Ron, a truly exceptional and unique person, passed from this life to eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Like many of us who were touched by Dr, Ron and his constant manifestation of God’s love for us, my heart is filled with sadness as I realize that I will not see him again on this earth.
July 12th was also the same afternoon that I was visited at my house by a rare black swan. At first I wasn’t sure, but as he swam over to our side of the lake (yes I am assuming the swan was a “he” although I have no way to really know its gender), I could hardly believe my good fortune. He had long neck, narrow face and reddish complexion. He was friendly and comfortable around people as he looked right at me. If one wanted to, I suppose one could say that the expression on his face was that of a wide knowing grin. It would not be too much of a stretch to say that in some ways he resembled Dr. Ron.
For those who believe in such matters, it is said that the black swan represents a lovely energy in the animal kingdom of the healing powers of love and romance. In folklores and fairy tales, swans in general represent the virtues of loyalty, purity, unity and love, and the black swan in particular is said to place an emphasis on the healing powers of partnership between two people and the joy and freedom one feels in such relationships. Black swans encourage people to learn to be close to others and to enjoy the journey. Some say that Black swans lend a great capacity to open us up to the healing properties of love. For those who see symbols when encountering animals, an encounter with a black swan is a rare and graceful reminder to move from a position of victim to victor over circumstances and external forces. I could not have imagined a more appropriate metaphor for the positive impact Dr. Ron has had on my life.
Although black swans mate for life and are usual found in pairs, the one who visited me last Friday afternoon was by himself. Perhaps the last journey we all take in this life is one where we must go alone.
For those who knew him, I think we would agree that it would be appropriate to refer to Dr. Ron as “a rare bird.” For me, I will chose to indulge myself with the belief that my encounter last Friday with a black swan was a reminder of a godly man who blessed my life with his unfailing belief in the power of God’s healing, love and goodness.
PS – I am unable to copy and paste the picture of my black swan visitor. For those of you who would like more information about a recent sighting of a pair of rare black swans in Orange County please see: https://www.ocregister.com/2019/02/20/how-did-a-pair-of-rare-black-swans-get-to-balboa-island/
I love this story so much!!! I can imagine what Dr Ron would say about it 💛
Indeed a rare bird!
Oh how your are greatly missed already…Well done good and faithful servant ❤️!!
Klaus and I just “happened” to be with Ron and Dori yesterday when Ron graduated to his heavenly home. We thought we were coming to stay with Ron while Dori did some errands, but when we arrived Kathy Frala told us he was near the end, so we all sat around his bed praying over him & talking to him, reading psalms & scripture and listening to Amazing Grace – Ron’s favorite hymn. Eventually the gaps between his ragged breathing slowed and stopped. He had just slipped quietly into heaven while we all watched. The grace and pain of that moment will stay with me the rest of my life on earth. We are so happy that Ron is now completely healed and enjoying Jesus and we hold Dori and the family in our hearts in prayer.
I didn’t know Amazing Grace was Ron’s favorite hymn. So this morning I run across this song from one of my favorite groups. Not only are they singing ABOUT Ron, but then comes his favorite hymn in the middle of it. Brace yourself, it’s hard to listen to without a whole box of Kleenex. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gxrblK9vfvQ
Actually, Dave, I got it wrong……my husband reminded me it was How Great Thou Art. But how can you go wrong listening to Amazing Grace at a time like this?
Blessings, Beth 🙂
Good grief … really? I’m going to cry.
My very LAST text to Ron was this:
“No need to reply. Just listen.”
I knew Ron was too weak to reply. But Dori found my text and sent me THIS text as Ron lay dying with less than 2 hours left on Earth …
“Thanks for sending the hymn. I’m playing it for him now. He is on his way to heaven.”
I had no idea it was his favorite. But God let me find it accidentally on You Tube … and I thot he might like it… so I sent it to him. And he heard it as he was leaving us…
I can barely breath right now….
Ron epitomizes the scripture “ The joy of the Lord is our strength “!! He can find something funny in everything, and then spread that joy by entertaining everyone in the room. I can’t think of one kinship meeting where Ron was not making the whole room laugh! Ron is a lovable goof ball who has a way of bringing everyone he loves together. Ron has a BIG presence wherever he is, and he made a special in each of our hearts 💕
He and I found countless quirky things that we had in common. So much so that he started calling me his long list sister and would introduce me as that to his friends. He taught me so much about God and truly expanded my understanding.
I was always amazed by his attitude of gratitude and optimism. And have you met anyone who could compare to his storytelling? He’d have a captive audience anywhere he was; home group, get togethers and even in the hospital with all those that attended him. Last year when he was kicking his cancer, when the interns are nurses came in to his room, he would crack jokes. One time he asked them if they were from the morgue, and he said he wasn’t ready yet to go. He would continually crack jokes even when he was in extreme discomfort. He set a beautiful example to all of us on how to love extravagantly. His adoration for his lovely bride he’d announce regularly, as he would re -tell his favorite sayings, “ Dori is proof that God loves him “ and I would like to add that Ron is also proof that God loves all of us! Thank you Lord for loaning us a man of inspiration character and integrity. A man who displays the fruits of the spirit and grace under pressure, and it exemplifies the joy of the Lord! His example has inspired us all. Now you lord get to hear all of his stories as he is entertaining everybody up there I’m sure.!!!
This morning Jim and I woke up emotional and crying. We said to each other, “We are never going to hear Ron’s Voice again,” It hit us hard, this fact that we won’t be able to hear his wisdom, guidance, tremendous ability to help people navigate through their emotions through hard times, his words of encouragement and excitement when he saw people around him thriving and being blessed, and his infectious love for Jesus and knowledge that God is good, always good.
Ron, we are really going to miss you!!! You you are going to be missed, so missed by so many. We were going to miss those big ole hugs you gave out faithfully on Sundays. Now you get to hug Jesus!
Dori, Anja, Andre, our hearts are with you as you enter this season of grief and loss of your husband and father. We are holding up your family in prayer. We pray that you feel God’s arms holding you like never before as you go through this very difficult time.
Jim and Ingrid Wilkinson
Dear Dori,
I’m so sorry for your loss. I have so much hope that he would fight for this battle. But I’m very so happy for him at the same time as well because he is with Heavenly Father together and we all will be there together one day.
I have known Dr. Ron maybe almost a year through friend Ira, unfortunately we have never met in person. However even it’s all through texting, God spoke many times to me through him. His heart and love to God and you Always lightening me. Here is one text quote from our conversation:
“God bless you! I love, love Love the Lord because he is the source for my true identity.. not my looks, job or people. I know he loves me, so I try to please him and he blesses me for trying! Dori is proof he loves me, and we are praying her Feb 1st surgery cures her heart condition completely. God bless you sweet Sabrina!”
During those times, I have prayed for your recovery many times, and I’m grateful you are good!
He has blessed me so many ways through prayers, his knowledge of neuroscience and psychology and truth.
His spirit and words have tremendous impact during my personal recovery and faith journey ( I’ve Only became believer over a year)
I will continually think and pray for you and your family!
May his legacy of loving God is passing down to many generations!
Dear Dori, Anja, and Andre…. We are so sorry to hear of Dr. Ron’s passing. We know he is laughing with Jesus in Heaven and the Angels are shouting with joy for the amazing work that Dr. Ron did on this Earth. Even with our faith, the separation is hard. So please know that you all will continue to be in our prayers during this hard time. Blessings to you all…. Dave
Wow. Cant stop crying. I am in disbelief that my younger brother went to Jesus so soon. He will be very well revieved by Jesus. I can ONLY IMAGINE that he is standing there worshiping JESUS with all his heart. Praise God for such an awesome man, and the lives he touched. Dori, Anja, Andre. You are in my thoughts and prayers. BLESSINGS to you AND PEACE. Love you TONS !
So sorry for your loss, Bob. Losing your only brother, so hard!!!! Our prayers are with you and all of the Arko family.
Jim and Ingrid Wilkinson
Dear Dori,
I just wanted to share how completely blessed I was to hear Ron share his story of going to heaven the first time. Every detail was precious—filling my heart and soul with joy and anticipation. Several of the details of his story resonated and rang true to my own experience. Like when he shared how the angels spoke to him without words. I knew exactly what he was talking about. And when he talked about God’s love hitting him in waves/particles.
I am thankful I got to become acquainted with you and Ron through spiritual formation. He radiated warmth and love and compassion to everyone, including me.
I also really enjoyed when he shared the story of how the two of you met and married. I could see how much she adored you as he shared the story. My heart aches for your loss. I will be praying for Jesus’ tenderness and love to be tangible to you as you grieve.
I’ve known Dr. Ron for over 20 years, and he is truly the very best of men. His unwavering belief in the Lord Jesus is displayed for all to see in his daily walk on this earth, and now in his fight with cancer. He has the best “counselor straight face”—that expertly suppressed, non-blinking expression when told the craziest things (by me? Nah!). Ron has the most patient and deeply loving heart and has helped countless others throughout his career, including my brother, who I referred to him years ago and who became friends of course. And when I had my husband join me in my appointments with Dr. Ron these past couple of years, he’s now broken hearted because of his love and respect for Ron and misses seeing him. This is how we all feel, Ron, for you and your beautiful wife, Dori and family. You’ve spent your entire life counseling and helping others and you have a gift—no, you ARE a gift—from above to all those who have come to know you. With that gift have come some of the hardest trials that wound the deepest and literally have taken your breath (and Dori’s!) away. We are praying for your supernatural healing from both the wounds in your soul and the cancer in your flesh. I know you already know this, Ron, but it just needs to be said—you are loved, you are loved, you are loved! Psalm 139:1-18
The core of a person is only revealed during the deepest darkest times of their lives.
It was just a few months ago that our dear friend Ron was given a grim, fatal diagnosis of carcinomatosis. Both the surgeon and the oncologist told him that chemotherapy may prolong his life, but that cancer would take his life. He was told that he had weeks to months to live and to get his affairs in order.
Since that day, Ron and Dori, (his wife of 40 years) have held on tight to their faith in God, trusting that if it was Gods will that he would be healed, that it would happen.
In spite of Ron’s terminal diagnosis, I watch him every Sunday morning go up to the front of the church, knell down, and worship, expressing his love to God. It is an amazing and wonderful thing to witness. Gods worthiness to be worshiped was never dependent upon our circumstances, but because He is a Holy God and worthy to be worshiped.
Ron shared with me, “We believe that God is good, all the time, no matter what happens to us. Therefore, there is no fear, no anger, still hope, joy, and love flowing from our cores that feel that God is fair, and we can trust Him.” And I must say, that is exactly what I have witnessed this last 2 months. Ron has never asked, why me? He is not angry or bitter. I see Gods love and joy in him every time I see him, as he is always with a kind word and a smile.
CS Lewis said he believes in Christ the way he believes in the sunrise because by both he sees the world.
On stage at church, a story was being told of a woman that was miraculously healed of Lupus. At that same moment, I am looking at Ron, physically wasting away before my eyes, clearly growing weaker from cancer ravaging his body. 2 testimonies are worthy of being shared here, one of the women that was healed of Lupus, and one of the man that continued to worship God in the midst of his darkest hour, both are powerful.
In my eyes, Ron’s response to being given a terminal diagnosis of cancer is just as powerful as physical healing. God may choose to take Ron home in his infinite wisdom and perfect timing. This and only this will be the only reason that Ron would not be healed of this cancer. Ron desires that tens of thousands would come to know Jesus through his story. Do I believe that God heals, absolutely YES. Does He always heal? No. Sometimes God has a higher purpose. Our God is a loving God who sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. Our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus. Ron has the hope of salvation and the promise of eternity. He continues to worship, believe, love, and trust in his heavenly Father. He is an example to us all, a great testimony.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 New International Version (NIV)
“16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly, we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Ron has not lost heart. Ron is being renewed day by day. There is an eternal glory that far outweighs his troubles. Ron is fixing his eyes on Jesus, on what is not seen, eternity.
How will you respond in your darkest time? How will you react if you lost your job, go through a breakup, face a health crisis, or even face death? As of the moment, we don’t know what the future holds for Ron-physical healing, or eternity with his loving heavenly Father. I do know one thing, Ron is an example to us all. An example of faithfulness, kindness, love, of a man that never stopped worshiping, even during his darkest time.
Dr. Ron is a part of my testimony. I had a date the other day, and actually shared with the guy how Dr. Ron was instrumental in helping me break a stronghold of a past relationship in my life. This date ended up not working out, but what was interesting was the development of my posture towards it. I pray before every date, and make sure to bring God into the conversation, that if the stinker isn’t supposed to be in my life, that He’d prune the guy away! This mindset is something that God used Dr. Ron to help facilitate.
The season of life that Dr. Ron was a part of was so impactful for years to come. He gave me tools to last lifetime, in more ways than my dating life. I utilize the things Dr. Ron has taught me in my everyday life, handling more stress than I ever was able to before. He got me through grad school, like a coach on the sidelines, helping build my trust in the Lord. But this coach didn’t just give me advice. I would tell him how stressed I was, and he even let me sit in his other office so I could get work done and beat weekday LA traffic on the 405!
Dr. Ron is and will forever be like a second father and impactful mentor. My hope is that he would one day be able to do my pre-marital counseling and be at my wedding, but if that is in spirit, that is fine too. I know that his fingerprint on my life will continue to stay with me.
Thank you for everything, Dr. Ron. You have helped my heart at its core and I will always remember the influence you have had on my life.
P.S. I hope the Crazy Awesome Life Series gets published. It would be the best!
Well let’s start with the iconic movie Beach Blanket Bingo. The legendary biker character Eric Von Zipper would praise his peers by saying ” He is my IDEAL.!”. Absolutely, Ron is my IDEAL !!
The smarter of us brothers who would go on to get a PHD, guest star on TV shows ( Joy in the Morning) and become a legend in the southern (PARADISE) state of California. He is my IDEAL. His love and compassion for his clients, his movie star wife and fantastic kids were a thing of admiration from an older brother. Ron and I were not super close as little kids, but our affection grew into adulthood. I believe we are closer than ever now in our 60s.
My brother Ron was an inspiration, in his Christian walk, in his LOVE for the Lord and in his knowledge and loving help during my divorces. (2). Yes it took 48 years to get the RIGHT wife.
He was my rock with being executor of dad’s will and extremely generous with whatever I asked of him.
My little brother was always someone I could look up to. ( being 6ft 3 helped), but he was smarter than anyone i knew. He was always telling me of adopted family — The Bensons and caring for Bruce till 99 years old. THAT is committment. Brother Ron is the best brother I could hope for and looking forward to more years of Whatabugers and backwash drinks as we laugh out LOUD and enjoy each others company. Even though I stayed in Arizona to sweat and ride my motorcycle, CA was my second home cause Ron and Dori always had a place for me to stay. I will soon be retired and travel the USA in my Tiffin motorhome, but every chance I get will be coming to Cotona Del Mar..
PARADISE on the Ocean and my Godly Man brother. Ron and Dori are the BEST.
Thank you for following GOD and helping SO MANY people. You are LOVED. Blessings my brother.
Today, 8/10/19, I have devoted special focus time for the stories about Ron. Your story mentions the Bensons and motivated me to introduce myself to you. In late 1970’s I became the second ‘Benson kid’ as Ron was their first. He was such a wonderful blessing to Bruce and Catherine Benson in their last years on this earth. He drove to our home near Yosemite picking up Bensons to gather for a time of celebration during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I enjoyed fellowship many times over the years…remembering right now Ron’s arms opening wide to give me a big hug. I will miss those special hugs from my ‘Benson brother’ — So sorry for your loss. Vivian Brown
Ron is a beautiful soul. I have told him I think he may be an angel amongst us. Like only an angel could, he rescued our church in one of its darkest hours. He then breathed life back into our pastor. I am forever grateful for what he did for the church and pastor I love deeply. Then, he came into my son’s life in a way only Ron could. He was the perfect person, at the perfect time. I am forever grateful to this very special soldier of Christ.
I am so thankful to you, Ron. You have forever changed me, and all you have touched. I love you, Brother, and will continue to pray for you and your family.
Ron was instrumental in getting me, Jim, through a tough three years of ministry leadership. His wisdom, advise, and prayers walked me through it with love and grace. Then Ingrid and I had the privilege of Ron and Dori joining our home group for many years and through this we became dear friends. They also became great supporters, relationally and financially, as our daughter went into missionary work for several years. We love you Ron and Dori!!!! Thank you both for your love and compassion to those around you!
Jim and Ingrid
Abby and I am Met Ron & Dori in the formation community at Vineyard Anaheim. Ron & Dori were table mates during our breakout sessions this semester. Like all of you, to meet and share with Ron & Dori is a wonderful privilege. Their deep commitment and perspective about their spiritual life in Christ was always deeply moving and thoughtful. Our connection together in the love of God was immediate. We had numerous times together eating lunch at the crab cooker after Church. We loved how Ron & Dori we’re so different and yet spoke and shared in the deeply unified way. Their testimony of God’s never ending goodness and support through all the ups and downs of this life was beyond encouraging. Not only for Abby and I, but for her son Joshua, Who received unconditional acceptance, counsel and encouragement from Ron & Dori. Much love and appreciation always for the image of God that shines through these two disciples of Christ.
It has been 15 plus years since we last saw Dr. Ron. It was during a difficult time in our marriage and Dr. Ron helped both of us see each others perspective on our issues. Both of us appreciated Dr. Ron’s counsel and empathy. It gave us the courage and confidence to get past where we were and to be able to grow in our marriage and our faith. We are still benefiting from those sessions and it was a true gift to be able to see Ron recently. Thank you for another great lesson on how to accept the circumstances given to us and to handle them with grace and dignity.
I have known Ron since my junior year of high school in Scottsdale, Arizona. He was the first person I ever met who cooked bacon in the oven. He was already an architect and an expert on all things Radio Shack when I met him. We shared a fine taste in women, the greatest example being one Beth Borst from Arcadia High School and her sister who was a very close second. We went to the same Bible study which was part of a church that just happened to be on the leading edge of the church renewal movement in the 70’s. Ron was staying with me at my parents house in June of 1975 when my brother-in-law called to tell my Dad had died. Though we ended up rather far apart geographically until our thirties, we were always close emotionally and intellectually. Ron was always more spiritual than I was. I envied him for his proximity to the beach and he envied me for my cushy job and my government pension.
Ron’s illness has reminded me that we really only have today and that we mustn’t take for granted the presence of those who mean much to us.
I came to Ron when I was going through some of the hardest trials of my life. I had seen him a few times and we soon began to build a solid relationship. I made the mistake of trying to find relief from my inner pain by going out with some friends and this ultimately led to me consuming alcohol in a parking lot before going into a bar to dance on their “18 and over” night. This dumb decision to drink in public, outside of a bar, as a minor was witnessed by two undercover federal agents. My friend and I, as you probably guessed, had the great honor of meeting these two agents moments later. They booked us both and wow was it a not so fun next few days. I had the delightful experience of explaining to my parents and family what happened and I was in some very hot water. My world was absolutely falling apart so I decided to ask Ron to meet with me for an emergency session. I walked into the session and was expecting yet another person to be very mad and disappointed at me. I told him what happened and Ron started chuckling… “Does this man not understand what’s going on?” I thought. He said “The devil knew what to tempt you with that night, he knew there would be agents there, and he knew that he could make you feel worthless. You know, you might be a little stupid at times but I sure do love you.” Ron knew my sense of humor and that was the most uplifting thing I had heard in a while. It was what I needed to hear. I began seeing him every week after that incident and we have since made some major progress because of it. He has even been able to get me and my family to laugh about it. He’s been the reason I have emotionally and mentally made a 180° turn. This man is an angel living among us. Anyone that knows Ron is a very lucky individual. Everyone needs a Ron in their life. He’s been a life changing counselor and friend.
Ron, I so appreciate not just the wise words you’ve said to me (and some of them were amazingly encouraging), but who you are. Genuinely giving, so spiritually mature. Often what you’ve said to me has been a “rhema” word–a personalized word from God, through you.
Also, the relationship between you and Dori is a rare and beautiful thing. You embody the word “cherish” when it comes to Dori.
I love your knowledge base as a Ph.D. But you go way beyond that; you know just how to apply all that background to the individual.
I got this image once of Jesus and me at the potters wheel. Jesus is sitting behind me, arms reaching around me to place his hands over mine on the lump of clay. I don’t know what we are making; Jesus does. I just need to let him guide my hands as together “we” make whatever piece of pottery will be shaped. This to me is also an apt image of you, Ron: embraced by Jesus, totally allowing Him to decide and shape the clay into whatever He desires, knowing it will be something both beautiful and useful.
I’ve worked with many people who have had a devastating diagnosis, but never has anyone faced it with such grace, serenity, and faith. You really do know, and demonstrate, that “God is good–all the time” and no matter what.
Dr. Ron prayed for me before I even had a chance to meet him. He cared more about my wellbeing than people I knew, and he sent prayers my way during a very difficult season in my life a decade ago. While my time with Dr. Ron was short, I was inspired when meeting him in person two years ago, and he was every bit as caring and kind as I thought he’d be. It seems like the world is lacking on Godly men nowadays; Dr. Ron was one of them who had a glow about him. It is heartbreaking to hear this news, but as a future therapist, I hope to touch half of the lives that Dr. Ron was able to.
Dr. Ron,
I love you with all my heart. I am forever grateful for your counsel and the life-changing impact you have had on my life. You have walked with me through the darkest valleys and continue to. You have counseled me, cried with me, fasted and prayed relentlessly for me (Dori included), you continue to check in, have taught and provided tools to reduce pain, including finding a way for me to purchase a life-saving piece of medical equipment I use every day. I am not sure I would be here today without you. You have taught me that “the joy of the Lord is my strength” and that “everything in life has a beginning, middle and end.” You are still the only person who believes I will be back in L&D. You have a beautiful way of providing hope to the weary.
I truly believe what makes you so special is that you have suffered much in this life and have chosen to count it all joy no matter what. You are a living example of Jesus to many. As Jen said, I am eternally grateful for you. You both have impacted my life in a way that you will never leave my heart and mind. Thank you precious Dr. Ron for all you have done for me through the years. I am Passionately praying for God’s healing hand upon you.
Dear Ron,
I visited my mom and dad the other day and dad told me you were in hospice. How are you holding up? I refresh newheart.org multiple times a day. I’m always thinking of you. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been in pain the last few days.
I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your last texts. You were offering help and I got wrapped up in my own life. It seems stupid now that I didn’t reply. Please forgive me.
You already know the story, but two years ago I called you for advice. I had gotten out of that bad relationship with my ex – thanks to you (that was a close call!) – and needed advice on dating this new girl Esther from work. Little did I know your advice would lead me to find the love of my life. She gives me the deepest joy I have ever felt. I have you to thank for that!
It’s kind of a funny story; just last week she asked me to help with her admissions essay for Cal Poly, and I remembered when you helped me write the essay that got me into Chapman (and it just occurred to me you also helped me with the short story I submitted alongside the essay). Anyways, long story short, there’s a whole lot of Dr. Ron advice in Esther’s essay. I think it’s pretty killer and she’s gonna get accepted.
The bottom line is you, and your roots in my life, are legendary. I’m so grateful for your wisdom. I cannot wait to pass it on to my kids.
I love you lots, think of you lots, and try to see the world through you.
While many people from many places owe him much, our High School newspaper, which he and I were on, was saved because Salesman Ron was able to make enough money selling ads to keep it going. I know Ron had other career options, such as being an Architect, Air Force, and of course medicine. He said he really wanted to help people.
While in college he stood up to a Philosophy Professor about his faith. Ron said, “I’m happy. You are not.” He won the argument. This embarrassed the teacher, who wrongly gave him a D for the class (tho he tutored others in the class who all got A’s). It’s not my business, but I doubt the professor got a better grade when he was judged by God a few short years later.
As Ron once said “I wasn’t born in California, but I got here as soon as I could.” He was able to escape from the oven down the I-10. I can Imagine the smile on his face during that drive.
Before Ron married Dori, he told me, “She’s amazing, beautiful, and has legs that go from here to Las Vegas!!!” He also said he could hear his thoughts, which he called a phonographic memory. 😊 He could be funny. At times. Ron had an unusually harsh life filled with suffering and bouts with death. I believe it was on his third time dying that he met Christ who gave him an order to return. Ron told me, “I did not want to come back.” Ron also was willing to suffer for Christ so that he could share in his glory Rom 8:17.
Dr. Ron, I honestly did not know that you were going through such a difficult time. Belinda told me sometime ago that you had cancer and then later told me you were on your feet again. As you know life flies by and we hardly know where the days have gone. I just learned from Sean today that you have been struggling with cancer again. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am so very sorry . I do not know you well but, I know me and I know the way you made me feel. I know that you are a superbly special human being as you emit genuine love, warmth and kindness. It was evident the first time I met you and I am so sorry that we have not crossed paths lately so that I could give you an enormous hug. Please know that Belinda, Jerry, Sean and I are praying for you. I saw your car in the parking lot today and was trying to catch you before you left but,,,, you slipped out. I will look for you again tomorrow 🙂 Your warm smile and demeanor are perfect expressions and examples for all human beings to try to emulate and to try to encourage those around us to make the most of our lives and help others to do the same. All of our LOVE and PRAYERS, and hopefully a hug soon,,,, Ruth Steering (Suite 100, 4063 Birch Street)
Dr. Ron
As my father stated you truly have been an informal member of the Bellows family for many years. You have given great insight and wisdom to myself, my father and my late Uncle many times over the years. Having you as the officiant at my wedding was truly something that I will always remember. As always you had perfect timing with your humor as well as sincerity. You are in my prayers sir and God Bless.
Their are many great qualities that Dr. Ron possesses. He is just not a Dr. but a kind ,humorous, spiritual ,God loving ,husband , father, and friend. Ron’s caring, fun loving attitude is contagious. Ron has helped guide me my wife Karen and our kids Stacey 49, Brian 42, Ashley 35 for over 40 years . What a ride of Ebb and Tides, the Swells & Lows and oh those WhiteCaps !!! Thanks Ron . Here are just a few examples: My son Brian , His wife and two grandchildren had immigration problems where his wife Gladys was deported to Juarez Mexico for 5 years . With Ron’s help, advise and letters , Gladys was was allowed back in the US and is a now a Citizen , home owner , Wife ,Mother and working for the Government. “Thanks Ron”. My Daughter Stacey had drug abuse problems that landed her in Prison. Ron , your love ,advice and support for Stacey,Karen and I resulted in her Sobriety for the last 12 years and has been a great Mom for our Grandson Jake. “Thanks Ron” My Daughter Ashley was 9 at the Edwards Theatre with a friend.My Wfe Karen was there to pick up the Kids. A man in the theatre grabbed Ashley, it was dark Karen who heard Ashley ran and grabbed the man ,after a struggle he broke free and ran out the back door . He was captured and, was a felon with previous convictions for child abductions. He was convicted and is still in prison. Ashley was tramatised and needed some expert counciling !! “Thank You Dr. RON” For Karen Also!!! On the lighter side we have, Ron the comedian, the impersonator,the Politician and Ron who always has a funny for us all. God Blessed You Ron, Thanks For Your Love ,Support and being “RON.” We are with you in your journey, eternity is a long ride for all of us , Iead the way my Friend .Live ~ Love ~ Laugh~ FOREVER WHITECAPS. Love Ya, Brian & Family❤️
Sooooo………Ron, “Pastor Ron” I’ve referred to him as, because I put he and Dori in my contacts that way when we met-(Pastor Ron & Dori). Ron has a very “Pastor Like” way about himself, and Dori fits the “Pastor’s Wife” like sweetness and kindness. Ron and I are Brothers via some folks, Pastor Bruce & Catherine Benson, who we both had in common. I say “folks” because he and I both had an opportunity to have these Dear Sweet Folks that Ron cared for for a very long time, and myself just for a short time nearing the end of their lives. They adopted us both, not really, but Ron and I felt that close to them even before they so called, “adopted”, and it was stated, that we were adopted. Our common love for them brought Ron and I into not only knowing we’re both of the Brotherhood, but being close like Brothers. I am Sooooo honored to have known Bruce and Catherine Benson while loving and caring for them, and being their friend, and in so doing, only met Ron & Dori once, but we’ve been so close because of our common love for Bensons, and kept constant contact & prayers for each other since. We have a closeness also, and mostly, due to our common love for our Savior, and He placed a Love for each other in our hearts. Thank you Benson’s for allowing me to be adopted and meet my Long Lost Brother, who I feel closer to than anyone I’ve known for a lifetime. Love you All, and a special loving care, and prayer at this time, for my dear Brother Pastor Ron and His Sweet Wife Dori. Love in Christ, Jeff
Hi Jeff. Today is when many of Dr. Ron’s friends and family are gathered to celebrate his life. My time is being spent reviewing this blog and stories to add to my own special memories. Like you, my main connection with Ron & Dori was with the Bensons. I remember Catherine discussing you and what a blessing you were to her and Bruce. The Bensons moved across the street from me in Paso Robles, CA in 1977. I was a 30-yr-old widow with much childhood past abuse and Catherine became my spiritual mother for many years. Pastor Bruce married my husband Paul Brown and me in 1987. I enjoyed several brief visits with them and Ron’s family and Ron referred to me as his ‘Benson sister’. My heart is hurting for Dori and Ron’s family & friends but I know he is having a great reunion in his heavenly home. Many warm regards to you and your family Jeff. Vivian Brown
My friend Ron has been my spiritual stability for over 44 years. Anytime I needed him he was there and so was Dori. He’s a pretty smart fellow who is my Bible answer man when I have a hard time trying to understand some passages. Can’t say enough about Ron. Since we share a similar sense of humor there’s never a dull moment especially if you like great puns. But on occasion both of us have made Dori cringe just a tad…so we decided not to give up our day jobs. I watched Ron work so hard to become what he is today, an accomplished counselor and a great role model for me. I am thankful for stumbling into Radio Shack one day and I was fortunate enough to meet him. God definitely put me in his path. I am truly blessed.
I have only had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Ron for a couple of years, but he has had a profound impact on me during that time. He came into my life during an extremely difficult season and literally helped raise me from the ashes of despair. He helped walk me through some of my darkest days with love, compassion and patience. He believed in me when I didn’t know if I believed in myself and constantly told me that I was going to be ok. When a couple of my kids were having issues, he didn’t hesitate to meet with them, make them feel comfortable and walk them through their feelings. For that I am eternally grateful. Not only did he listen patiently to me during our sessions, he also checked in on me, prayed for me and sent me bits of wisdom during the weeks as well. Dr. Ron is more than a counselor, he is a trusted advisor, mentor, friend and true inspiration of faith in God. Thank you for your constant encouragement, for helping me remember that God is good no matter what, for “never disagreeing with anything I said” and for helping me see that maybe there is room for a little gray in my black and white world (maybe :). You have touched and changed my life in so many ways and I am forever grateful. I will continue to pray for God’s miraculous healing over you. All my love, Jen
The Van de Water family was very sad to hear that Dr. Ron was not well… especially me. His wisdom has helped me recover from my childhood and gain a clearer perspective on my life and God’s love and purpose for me. My favorite memory, of course, is when Dr. Ron married me to my amazing husband. I might have missed out on having a happy marriage and family if it wasn’t for the work we did. We pray everyday for Dr. Ron’s well-being and for his wife Dori… who by the way helped my daughter tremendously with her speech. You are in our hearts. Joan
Top 10 things I love about Ron:
These are in no particular order….
1. Your ability to share a Godly perspective – the eternal perspective on life’s bumps in the road
2. Your quirkiness – and willingness to share that
3. Your love of your family…..and mine (cuz it’s all about me, right? JK)
4. Making Carl Rodger’s “Unconditional positive regard” more than a theoretical concept – thank you Ron
5. Letting me cancel appointments when I had a conflict
6. Unconditional positive regard…..again! (-:
7. Helping me to be brave
8. Helping me to move beyond the need to be safe
9. Pavlov’s dog joke – I am still laughing, again!
10. Using your life as an example and inspiration of what God can do with each of us.
Thank you Ron!
Dear Dr Ron,
I remember when I started seeing you about 10 years ago. I was going through a divorce and remember you checking on me to make sure I was ok regularly. I even remember you drawing me a map to go to a support group that I was sure I didn’t need at the time.
I’m thankful for your wisdom, kindness and compassion always. You helped me work through what was important in life and a vision of what the future could look like.
I recently had a life event happen and all I could think of was “Dr Ron can help with this”. Not knowing that you were sick you wanted to help right away. I’m thankful for your kindness and compassion at all times. I truly will never forget that.
Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years. I feel blessed to have spent time with you 🙏🏻. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
With love and prayers,
RC (aka your rockstar client)
Dearest Ron (Doc),
This is very hard for me because I still can’t believe this is happening. I am devestated and heartbroken by what you and your family are going through.
I want you to know that I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. Thank you for helping me get through Bruce’s suicide. Thank you for helping me get through my father’s death. Thank you for marrying me to my soulmate. With your help Dennis has grown closer to God.
You are a perfect example of what a man of God is suppose to look like.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally and never judging me. Thank you for helping me find the joy of the Lord when I was depressed. Thank you for making my world a better place by you being in it.
God must really want to bless you my friend. For that, I am very happy for you.
We love you soooooo much,
Janette and Dennis
Our marriage was doomed…..5 therapist said so….but in 1973 the Lord said not true…..He said your marriage belongs to me.. You are not to leave this marriage. I plan to heal it for my Glory….I plan great works through this marriage. You are to wait on me…18 years passed, then in God’s Timing.he made a move…..God chose Dr Ron to be the one who would be the witness to His move in our Marriage ……Tom and myself, Josi, were seeing Dr Ron separately, not even working on our Marriage…..when suddenly Dr Ron witnessed a change in both of us separately …..He was amazed…….The fact that God chose Dr Ron to be the witness therapist to His power in a doomed marriage is a validation of Ron’s Very Strong, deep relationship he has with God. And our Lords profound Love for Ron…….Ron, Dori, Tom and Josi have been dear friends ever since….as Ron continued to witness Gods declaration of doing great works through a so called doomed marriage…So all of us who have listened to Ron’s council can know That this very precious person has been moving us with the Hand of God all these years and Ron will continue to do so……The Lord Loves through Ron…✝️❤️
Thank you Dr. Ron for your wisdom, love, and support in helping us deal with our recent family issues.
You have made a tremendous difference in our lives. Our prayers are with you.
Love, Jim and Dee Perry
Brother Ron,
I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers, hearing of your love and faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints, that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in Christ Jesus. For we have great joy and consolation in love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you , brother. (Philemon 1:7)
Ron, as much as Paul was speaking to Philemon when he wrote this, I believe this passage epitomizes what you have modeled in your love for Jesus, and for all the saints, and certainly for those who have had the privilege of knowing you in a deep and personal way.
You and Dori’s friendship have been such a blessing to our family now for more than 25 years , and I pray that God will grant you even more years so that others may yet experience God’s love through your life…and grow older with you.
Dr. Ron,
As with everyone above and all that you know, that you have touched and that you have helped which are soooo many; we are all so deeply saddened by this news! I am shocked because a month or so ago when we last met you showed no signs of illness and were as happy and as witty as ever!
Selfishly I am feeling the loss as you have helped me rationalize the emotions that I have had to face. You have provided me with not only sage words and counsel but given me the confidence to believe in myself and the strength to endure. You have taught me techniques to deal and mitigate stress, anxiety or uncertainty. You have illuminated the science behind so many of our behavioral characteristics and help me to understand those of others. When my burden has been heavy you have helped me push it aside and see hope, opportunity, and happiness in my future.
I can only hope that the light that shines upon, heals you and returns you to all of us who love and appreciate you. I hope that you may be able to continue your great work. Most importantly, I hope that you are able to continue on so that you may enjoy many more days on earth with Dori and your family. Should the light illuminate another pathway I am sure that it is God’s will and that you will be received with a warm embrace and welcomed to the table reserved for the GREAT ONES as you are truly one GREAT man!
Hi Dr Ron. Our family has been extremely blessed to know you – we are very sad over what you are having to bear with this very serious turn of events. Please know that our hearts, love and prayers are being sent to you and your family with hope that you will all experience comfort and peace that only our Lord can provide. What you have done for my brother and family will never be forgotten. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. You have no idea how much you have helped us and we appreciate you so. Love, Denise Lawton
Dr Ron you have been such a blessing to my son and his family I will forever be indebted to you for all the love, kindness, direction and much more you have given to so many. God’s blessings to you and your family.
Over the years our two families have shared so much. I have fully anticipated there being many more years of delightful outings and time together with you both, Ron and Dori. I am finding it so difficult to accept that the Lord might actually take Ron home so prematurely! God has come through with perfectly-timed healing, and with provision and blessing so many times for both our families that I am continuing to pray for a miracle this time too. Can’t help it!
We have been part of the Anaheim Vineyard together now for more than 25 years as we raised our families, homeschooled and saw so many changes. When Bill was Children’s Ministry Pastor there, Ron was above and beyond generous with us with time, computers and cars! He always said it was because the Lord had blessed him so abundantly that he took delight in passing it on. He once gifted our whole family to go with their family to Christian Adventure camp for a week, and we made many memories that summer. We got to be part of both of their kids weddings. We have traded favorite books to read and games to play, and been on many wonderful beach walks with them.
The absolute best thing is being intentional and faithful prayer warriors in each others’ lives all these years. Ron, I will always treasure how you made sure to find out our prayer requests for our family’s needs and our sons, and then always rejoiced over answers to prayer with us too. We have had so many specific answers recently that I can’t help asking God to pour out healing on you and allow you more years here before joining heaven’s cloud of witnesses. (I have no doubt that you will get a front row seat because there are promises and prayers to be answered that haven’t come about yet.) The love and blessings that you have extended to so many people and the faithful friendship that you have given us speak of the man of God you are. The way you have cared for Dori in all her recent heart ailments shows how much you love and value what’s truly important. We are so blessed to know you, and thank God for every bit of time we get to have with you!
Ron, you epitomize a character quality I value more and more the older I get: consistency. You have been consistent, stable, faithful and focused in so many areas of life: faith, family, friendship. I have always admired the atmosphere of generosity and compassion that you create wherever you are, and whatever you are doing. I also admire how you have consistently brought everything before the Lord’s throne of grace in prayer: your joys, your hurts, your concerns. Like all of us, you have had reason enough to grow cynical, but instead you have chosen to keep your heart open and pliable to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So many stories, and wonderful memories, so it’s almost impossible to pick one. Home school, Forest Home, Vineyard, home group, Blue Agave, Balboa Island walks, and thousands of hugs (you are a consistent hugger)!
Ruth and I were privileged to see both your children get married. The ceremony that took place in Gualala is one of my most cherished memories. Another cherished memory was seeing your friends gather around you and Dori last Sunday morning during the worship in song. Where else would Ron Arko be? You brought your garden of Gethsemane to church that morning, and the Lord met you. As I was leaving the sanctuary you gifted me with one more unforgettable moment: I saw you and your brother hugging like little boys, and sobbing into each other’s necks.
Thank you Ron, for being a consistent channel of the love, grace, mercy, joy, and truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Shalom my friend.
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. — Proverbs 27:9
Dr. Ron profoundly helped me through the most difficult circumstances of my life and I am extremely grateful for his guidance, patience and sense of humor throughout our sessions together. At times the pain and resentment I would feel during our sessions would seem overwhelming and Dr. Ron would calmly and lovingly provide a safe place for me to work through my feelings and he would gently encourage me with God’s help to let go of the anger that I had held on to for so long. He skillfully helped me to see that my resentment didn’t really protect me and that for my own sake I needed to let go and move on. He would remind me that he couldn’t change the past, but together we would “win” as we moved forward together. Dr. Ron had a vision of redemption for me and my life that I couldn’t always see for myself and guided me towards it with love and grace. Dr. Ron was transparent with his own life which made him not only relatable, but only increased my admiration for him as he used the events in his life for good.
He was truly used by God to help me and my eyes are filled with tears as I write this post. Throughout everything, he would steadfastly proclaim God’s goodness and grace and encouraged me to turn to God. As someone who wasn’t always thrilled with the “process”, I really miss being able to walkup to the second floor of his building and be greeted by his broad smile and handshake. I am so grateful for all that he taught me and how he enriched my life.
God used Dr. Ron to help me and so many others and I pray that our Lord hold him, comfort him and give him and Dori a profound sense of peace.
I hope I never forget the first day I met you last fall. I left mad and exposed. It felt like in an hour you had opened up wounds That had been covered or I didn’t even realize existed. I had been to counseling before, but it had never been like this. I told people it was like a master surgeon expertly exposing and inspecting every part. I needed the drive home to recover. In the months since I have seen the promised land of health, or healing or better I have dreamed of most of my life since losing my dad as a child and facing the fall out. Through our time I am aware of how Satan has deceived me and tried to hold my life back. We have prayed and cried and broken chains that I thought were just how life worked. I feel a freedom today that is richer and deeper than I knew could be possible even in years of following Christ. There is much to learn in this freedom and grace that I long to show to others. So I grieve that we aren’t able to continue that journey together. I’m holding on to the day you saw for me when I would walk out of your office well. Even though we didn’t reach that, I know my marriage, kids, and family will be different and better because of the work you guided me in. I pray as you approach the day you are well with the Lord, you will have peace and joy in knowing that your obedience and closeness to God have drawn me, along with so many others, near to His heart.
Dr Ron, you have helped me become a patient, calm, forgiving, confident person. Someone that I never even knew was inside me. I’d always wanted these attributes knowing that they’d help make me a truly happy and healthy person. In the short time of knowing you, you’ve given me the proper foundation to be a better me. Whenever I feel myself getting angry or about to fly off the handle, I stop myself and think… how would Dr Ron react to this? You have provided me with so much wisdom and counsel that I feel your calming presence when I think about you and it has helped me remember to be the person that I’ve always wanted to be. I’m most certainly still a work in progress but I’ll always carry your example of love, kindness and happiness with me. I’m praying for you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. You are loved Dr Ron.
I’m so sorry to hear this awful news. Ron helped through one of the most difficult chapters in my life. My father was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer a couple of years ago, and Ron helped me through the whole process, from diagnoses to passing. Ron helped through the grief process, for which I will be eternally grateful.
I’m just heartbroken over this horrendous news. May God bless you and your family and may your journey to the other side be gentle. Ron has meant so much to so many. We are all praying for you and sending our love.
When I woke up this morning, the Lord gave me Hebrews chapter 11 for you regarding The Hall of Faith passage. He told me that you not only got out of prison by receiving Christ as your personal Savior and closely following Him, but that you’ve gotten thousands of people out of prison. You’ve helped unlock the prison doors for thousands of people and the Lord sees you as a member of “The Hall of Faith” v.38 “whom the world was not worthy of.” This is how Jesus sees you. You are one of the truly faithful ones because you believe God and God reckons it to you as righteousness. Hebrews 1:2-3 says, “In the last days God has spoken to us by His Son whom He appointed heir of all things and through whom He made the Universe. The Son is the Radiance of God’s Glory and the exact representation of His Being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word. After He(the Son) had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven.” Just as Jesus followed the right path in His life so you too have followed the right path in your life by following Jesus. In Matthew 26:6,7 there is the story of the woman who broke open the astoundingly expensive perfume and poured it over Jesus head. You are just like this woman in that you have totally poured out your life for Jesus. “You’ve lavishly spent your life for the only thing that matters in Eternity.” Well Done Thou Good And Faithful Servant.
Ron, as I look at your beautiful faces on your website I’m also reminded of the Old Testament passage “Those who look to Him are RADIANT, their faces are never covered with shame”. This passage describes You and Dory in a nutshell! We Love You, Steven and Connie
Since learning of Dr. Ron’s second battle with cancer, I have struggled with posting here. Dr. Ron and Dori both know how much we love them, and we have been privileged to see them both at the Vineyard in recent weeks. Paula and I will not stop praying for a miracle until we hear God has taken him home. Like so many who have posted here, I believe Dr. Ron saved my life. I was a child of abuse, and in the midst of divorce I did not want, and could not accept. I was in the hospital ER with a blood pressure of 210/150 and a heart rate that would not drop below 150. The cardiologist after running a bunch of tests told me my heart was healthy and asked me what was going on. I briefly explained and she said you better do something about that or its going to kill you.
A good friend referred me to Dr. Ron and was so convinced that Dr. Ron could help that he paid for my first session (thanks again Rick). So began a now 12 year relationship. Dr. Ron has walked me through my first divorce, healing from what my dad had done to me in his alcohol fueled abuse, my second divorce (Dr. Ron warned me about that one) and into the relationship with my wife Paula. I have learned how important it is to forgive, and what it does to you when you hold on to the anger. Dr. Ron has counseled us, and our children, and made a tremendous difference in our lives.
Again like so many, we are wondering what we will do if he is not around. I realize that is being selfish, and we, as believers, all go to a better place and have eternity together. We still do not want him to go now.
Dr. Ron, words cannot express the difference you have made in my life, the life of my family, and in so many others. Your willingness to share from your own pain showed me the way to healing. “Well done, thou Good and Faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” Matt. 25:21. I will see you again soon. With what you have accomplished here on earth, I can’t wait to see what God has for you in heaven.
Dr. Ron! My heart grieves! I had no idea that you were in such a weakened state. Paula told me yesterday.
I have to tell you what a delight you are to my heart. I have gained so much hope, love, joy, peace and continual singing because of you standing so steadfast for me and prayed faithfully for me. You are one of the GREATS in my life. Thank you doesn’t even begin to express how thankful I am for your love, faithfulness to God, His Word, your wife, your children and the goal of building up others. You have done that well with me.
The joy in my heart is that (presuming God chooses that He needs you with Him more than we do here on earth) is that we will rejoice together one day on the other side. Thank you my dear friend for who you are. For living out who God created you to be!!! May you continue to sense His presence until you are privileged to see Him face to face.
My grandgirl, Kailee, refuses to talk to her mom over the phone when she has been separated for a period of time (due to the divorce) as she is just determined to wait until she can see her face to face and be enveloped by her mom. Every time I offer for her to talk with her mom, she’s says, “No Mimi, I want to see her FACE to FACE!”
And of course I need to send you a song…
Dear Dr Ron
It is with a heavy heart I write this adieu. You have given our family professional counsel over the past 8 years through our darkest times. Your ability to listen tirelessly to our flailing personal and family confusions has carried us through many a tumultuous time. You had ability to make each one of us feel heard as though we were the one in our crazy family dynamic that was “right” . Then, in your most gentle and kind loving way guide us to a new view of reality & possible paths arming us with tools to resolve each of our most difficult conflicts. You never trivialized our issues but gave us your full attention and respect as we blubbered and stumbled on and on. I can laugh now how ridiculous and painful it must have been for you to watch us navigate from crisis to crisis. You cared for us during our schedule appts but you were there for us always. Day or night you answered us, checked in on us, prayed for us. Knowing that gave us the courage and comfort to brave our personal challenges. Your professional expertises in counseling marriage and family issues literally SAVED us from implosion and brought each of us to the safe respectful loving family we are today. Each healed with our own dignity and respect intact and with gentler kinder hearts armed with a stronger understanding of how to continue forward. We could not have gotten here without you Dr Ron.
We will carry on our journey with “what would DrRon say…” as our guide knowing with lots prayer faith and love we will continue to enjoy the life God has planned hopefully staying in tune 😉
We love you DrRon. You have been our guardian angel here on earth. We have seen the Holy Spirit through you. We are most grateful. Peace be with you and your sweet Dori Andre and Anya. God Bless you all.
Reading the posts above was exactly what I expected, people whose lives have been profoundly impacted by one of God’s special warriors. Ron, you are a ‘first responder’ hero, running into the burning buildings and ashes of peoples lives and carrying them to safety. I was introduced to you by a friend who said you saved his life. That seemed like an impressive enough testimonial to inspire me to give you a call. You walked me through a painful divorce with grace, truth and love. That was over twenty years ago and I still probably quote one of your pithy sayings once a week. A favorite being, “this is not the life I ordered.” The comic relief was much needed and the truth comforting. Can’t we all say that? Yet giving God the pen to write the story of our lives is the higher road. As John Wimber used to say, to God…”Lord, spend me like change in your pocket.” If you get to meet him face to face before many of us here, I’m very confident you will hear the words we all want to hear, ”well done my good and faithful servant.” Reconnecting with you recently has been one of the richest joys of my life for sometime, and the deep tears I’ve shed bear testimony of how deeply you’ve affected my life. You are a real mensch, a prince, a mentor to many, and just the sweetest guy I’ve ever known. The crushing you and Dori have experienced has imbued you both with the fragrance of Jesus that is unmistakable. Praying for a miracle, and knowing it’s either a healed body or a brand new one. Heartbroken but full of hope and anticipation, this life is after all as Wimber said, “only the dress rehearsal.” Love you brother!!
Dr. Ron,
My first reaction when I heard the news was denial, and then once I faced reality, I just cried. And after reflecting on our time together over the last 14 years, I want you to know that you saved me from personal destruction. You saved me from professional destruction. You saved me from family destruction. And ultimately you saved me from being devoured by the evil one. So, thank you! The United States Military and South Shores thanks you! My family thanks you! And our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thanks you!
You are a huge blessing and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me, for Kelly, and the kids. You will not be disappointed. Your investment in my life will be realized in this life and the next.
Damien, Kelly, Kaitlyn, Jackson & Grayson
There is absolutely no way I can sum up in a brief web page link what Ron and Dori have meant to me over our 40+ year relationship. His willingness to give of himself until he bleeds dry is integral to his person. I first got to know him better when he spent HOURS and HOURS talking with me when we lived in the same apartment complex during his late night study sessions as he was in school for his doctorate. He took me on as a little brother to help try to rid me of my fundy notions of God and introduced me to the Vineyard where I found people who loved God and weren’t terrified of his wrath. When I had to move to Northern California for my own schooling and my marriage hit a crisis of unbearable proportions, he FLEW UP THAT NIGHT to counsel with me and my wife … and thus save my marriage. 14 years ago when I had to sell and downsize my house, he flew up to help me move.
Over the years, somehow, he decided that I was his best friend … tho I never gave as much BACK to him as he gave to me … as he’s been there for all my crisis moments as well as just fun and family moments.
He and Dori have suffered so much both physically and emotionally, it’s almost unbelievable they can still stand. Ron with his accidents and heath issues, then the cancer, then HER heart, now HIS cancer again. Not to mention all sorts of other emotional and spiritual attacks on them and their ministry.
Ron has certainly earned his “well done, thou faithful servant” reward … tho I know like so many of you, I fervently hope he gets the Hezekiah reprieve of at least another 15 years on this earth. I just can’t see how he has finished … yet.
And now that my wife has been diagnosed with stage 3C endometrial cancer, I especially need him to stick around. Personally, I am falling apart inside knowing that he might not be there to support us as we deal with my wife’s own fight for her life. I just don’t understand this timing God! PLEASE, bring him back to us!
I just don’t have the ability to say anymore now…
I am at a total loss for words and I just can’t imagine a life without Dr. Ron. You have helped me in countless ways… I met you 14 years ago and my life and my family have never been the same. You encouraged these two children(Damien and I) to follow our dreams, love each other well and above all love the Lord. Your wisdom and counsel has led Damien and I on an amazing adventure together. From parents deaths, to deployments to the day to day you encouraged us to love one another, listen to each other dreams and follow in the path that God has laid before us. You encouraged us to keep going when things got hard and to rejoice and praise God when things were good. I can’t imagine not having you around to go to when we need help on our journey. You had a way of refocusing us and putting us back on the straight and narrow and I will forever be grateful to you for that. You are an excellent model of someone who has run the race well, you are an inspiration and my hero. THANK YOU for all you did for my family and for so many others. I know this is not goodbye forever, just goodbye for now….. I can’t wait to see you in heaven rejoicing with the angels…..
Hey Dad #2-
Seems a little ironic that I am writing you a tribute, seeing as (contextually speaking) I began seeing you about one of my main problems- having a hard time putting things like this into words. Lifesaver, diamond in the rough, and light in the darkness are three terms that come to mind when I think about my Dad #2 a.k.a. brother Dr. Ron.
I really do refuse to say goodbye, as it is hard for me to contemplate that God would take a man that has been and continues to be such a light into darkness for so many people such as myself. I have always admired your true faith, and your ability to see situations and communications just how God does.
We continue to pray for your complete healing and we trust that God can do so hilariously and instantaneously. Thank you for your Godly wisdom over the years, for your friendship, and for your ability to help us navigate the path God has set before us.
I am just not quite sure if I would be the husband, father, or man of God that I am today without you.
Kind of something cool to tell you. I have kept 100% of the notes from our meetings over the years, and I plan on reviewing them (hopefully) yearly. Literally, it might be around 100 pages long. Your legacy lives on and will continue to do so- I have already made many of the scriptures and sayings you have taught us over the years into family motto’s and sayings.
Smile brother, the danger has passed! If God decides to take you now, I will miss you and think about you every day.
I love you- and I do expect a famous big Dr. Ron hug when we both finally meet inside the pearly gates together, whenever God determines that day may be :)))
Though I’ve only had the privilege if knowing Dr. Ron a few short years, he has has been a mentor and invaluable source of Godly wisdom and comfort in the darkest moments of my life. He not only helped me navigate the dark waters of divorce and despair, but helped me find the endless vistas of hope and love through the encouragement of my relationship with the Lord and providing me a shining example through his personal relationship with Jesus. With an amazing gift of knowledge and discernment, the good Dr has been able to accurately pinpoint where many of my troubles and confusion lie and provide solutions and pathways that have given me so much peace and hope. When discussing tricky issues with friends and family, it is not unusual, right after (and maybe sometime before 😉 we give it up to prayer, to say ‘What does Dr. Ron have to say about it’. Knowing full well how well thought out, prayed over, and studied his answer will be.
Thank you, Dr. Ron, for being a stalwart and inspiring example of how to live in joy and hope in Christ. The Lord has and is working incredible things through you in my life. With your indefatigable and infectious smile, I am so blessed to know you and look forward to seeing the Lord continue to work miracles in and through you. Much love to you and your family. I love you, brother. May the Lord bless you and keep you and shine his face upon you. Until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow if His hand.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13”
Dr. Ron saved my life! Truly, words can’t express how much he means to me. When I was hearing nothing but lies, Dr. Ron spoke the truth to me over and over again until it stuck. When it comes to godly counsel he is the most anointed man I know. The world desperately needs more Dr. Rons!
Dr. Ron, you are an amazing man of God! You have battled for the hearts of God’s people and you have battled bravely and HARD. My prayer for you these days has been that you would hear the Father’s voice on your behalf the same way you heard it for the countless people you have spoken life into. I can only imagine how proud he is of you OH ANOINTED MAN OF GOD! I love you so much!
Dear Dr Ron This is a difficult letter to write as frankly i have never even considered our life, our world without our Dr ron in it! You counseled us thru the early days and confirmed that our relationship was good and from God, you traveled to our beautiful mountain to lead us in our vows as we became one. before I was even in the picture you worked with Dave where you helped bring him from a life of brokenness . he listened, learned and healed at your hand as you and God led him on a path of truth and healing. Today i am married to a man you helped form into a wonderful friend and husband God had a plan all along and you are a part of it! i believe in miracles so I am asking our Almighty God for this one hard and often because like i said a life without you doesn’t exist in my heart or mind. So for now we wait, we come along side and ask. It would be wrong for me to not say these things to you at a time like this. i certainly hope that i have already conveyed these things to you over the years but in case i have not i want you to know that you have helped change the course of my life and I am forever grateful!!!!
I love you
Paula Reid
Dr. Ron,
You have been a true blessing in my life as well as countless others in our community. God chose you to be a pillar in our lives and to be used in such mighty and powerful ways to draw us all closer to the Lord and a to bring out a healthier version of ourselves. I have referred many friends over the years who have also been blessed by you in so many ways. I am so sad to hear of this awful season that you and your family are going through. You are in my daily prayers. Julie
Dr Ron,
Many tears have fallen since I’ve heard the news. I’ve looked at my wife and two kids the last few weeks thanking God for you! You helped rescue me from the pit of dispair and find love, meaning, and a future. You taught me how to love and receive love. You believed in me when I couldn’t. You saved my life and helped me to become the man that God designed me to be! Forever will I be grateful to you, Dr Ron.
I have been able to offer hope and love to hundreds of people as I follow in your footsteps as a counselor. I wouldn’t be the man i am without you. You are my hero and I hope to be like you when I grow up 🙂 The ripples of your love and wisdom have reached thousands and thousands of people! You were right, all of the pain and hardship has been worth it!
I love you,
Josh, Lindsey, Molly and Maverick
I am so thankful for you and the work the Lord did through you in our lives. I often look at my husband and kids and smile knowing that they are here in large part because of the words you spoke from the Lord and the healing you facilitated. There have been countless times where we have said “let’s run that by Dr. Ron.” Your wisdom, wit, love, care, sense of humor, joy and overall AWESOMENESS have been anchors. You are loved, Dr. Ron. Your impact will go on for generations.
Dr. Ron,
Words are completely inadequate for how grateful I am for your love, wisdom, and guidance during my darkest days. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You saw a bright future where I only saw bleakness. You were patient. Week after week, month after month, year after year, you loved me and helped me see God’s good plans for my life.
And my life is good now. I feel so much love in my family. I have such a sense of purpose in my work – believing in young students who don’t believe in themselves. Beca, Dayton, Natalie, and I are eternally grateful that God brought you into my life.
You have been an inspiration and a hero to me. And always will be.
I love you.
From the depths of my heart, thank you.
Words are insufficient to communicate the heart felt THANK YOU of the Barnett family to Dr Ron. His care, counsel and encouragement over the years carried us through some of life’s greatest challenges. He helped keep us focused on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We add our voices to that of Jesus as he says of Dr Ron, “We’ll done good and faithful servant.” May God’s mercy and grace abound to you.
Dr Ron you are such an inspiration in my life.
Being fresh from NZ to the USA this kiwi woman was overwhelmed. Trying to navigate and find a path so I could be effective in psychotherapy and ministry proved harder than I had expected. However, in God’s perfect timing YOU came along and have become my most “treasured” mentor. Thank you for re-igniting the belief that I have a place in the counseling world. Your ability to spark new ideas, strength & dedication to prayer and being such an encourager does move mountains. YOU bless others with God given wisdom, love & kindness, quirky witty humor and your clever mind.
Matthew 5:16 Thank you for radiating such a brilliant light. We love you- Deb’s, Hamish, Harrison & Grace McNee.
Below is my response to Dr. Ron upon hearing the latest news concerning his health. He asked me to share it with you:
Dr. Ron, My Spiritual Father, My Mentor and Friend—
As soon as I began reading the words on your blog I began to weep, and even now, I find it very difficult to write without crying. I am so sad, and I am so sorry that you have to go through this. But please know that you’re not alone in your struggle; when you weep I weep with you and when you rejoice I rejoice with you (Rom 12:15). The least I can do now is to pray more ardently for your healing so God can continue to use you to heal others.
When I was in my darkest time, you reached out your hand to hold mine, so that I would know that I’m not alone, and God loves his children, especially those who suffer during their darkest nights. I know you have some dark nights ahead of you, but I will pray with every ounce of faith, hope, and assurance that God will be with you every step of the way just as you have been for so many other people.
Your Son,
Dr. Ron has had a positive impact on our whole family over the years for really the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God which is the most important task we have here on earth. What an encouragement he was to my dad to strategically raise his kids in the Lord despite my dad’s very difficult circumstances. My dad heeded Dr. Ron’s counsel at it even lead him to winning “Mother of the year” at church one year!
Personally, Dr. Ron mentored me over the years and have my notes saved in a journal which settles in my night stand with other favorite books. As I look back at the anxious, fearful, hurting young gal I was sharing with Dr. Ron my heart, He would prophesy Gods plans/call over my life and it was unbelievable for me at the time like it was never gonna happen. But fast-forward to today, by Gods grace, the prophecies were fullfilled despite myself. I in turn have have gotten to minister to hundreds of woman over the years in some way, finally overcame a stubborn eating disorder, got married, and am about to bear a child. These are all things Dr. Ron encouraged me in over the years and they came to fruition! He also really encouraged me about the importance of faithfulness to marriage so definitely had something to do with me not giving up on ours, it is bearing new fruit to help other hurting marriages. So grateful to God for Dr. Ron’s impact on my life for His abundant purposes!
It sure was surprising, upsetting, and very very sad news to hear what is happening to Dr. Ron and Dori. 🙁 When Dr. Ron said that he feels this is just not his time to go to Heaven, I had to agree 100%. I had to ponder what I was going to write on this post but a quote came to mind right away when I read what Dr. Ron wrote. The quote I remembered is, “The world is a better place with you in it.” That is really a statement that is soooo true about Dr. Ron. The world is a better place with Dr. Ron in it. I work a lot so I was not ready to get all my thoughts together to post right away. So after a few days, as that quote rolled around in my head at different times, I finally had time to look up who said that quote. As it turns out, it was a quote from Hannibal Lecter from the Silence Of The Lambs movie. Oh, okay, so maybe that is not a usable quote. I clearly watch too many movies. 😉
We have known Dr. Ron and Dori for about 24 years. Dr. Ron has done amazing work for people by helping to smooth-out the travels of people as they drive along the pothole-filled roads of life. He has done this by helping to resolve issues on all levels and also by helping people to keep a perspective on Jesus, Salvation, helping others, and staying on a good path to Eternity.
Dr. Ron, you and all of us will cry for the separation that no one wants to happen even though temporary. But please keep rejoicing in your Salvation that is assured through Jesus’s sacrifice, you being Born Again, your long life of Good Works in spreading the Gospel and helping people to find a path through a Fallen World, and that we will all be reunited soon. Stay with us as long as you can. Maybe you will see the Rapture! Oh, did I tell you that after some heavy study, I figured out The Hour the Rapture will happen? While the Bible does say we don’t know the day or time, I do know The Hour. I figured out its gonna happen during the 2pm hour. I just have not yet figured out where on the planet it will be the 2pm hour….. 🙂 We will keep praying for you folks. Fear not! You are in God’s hands. (Isaiah 41:10) Much peace to you folks during this time, The Rose Clan contingency of Houston; Dave, Dana, Kayla, Roy, Tuxie, Tiger, Chloe.
Where does one start when one has a heart full of good memories…? Dr. Ron has long ceased being my counselor, and over the last 25 years has become a true friend. He had a positive impact as my counselor, and even more as my friend. He and Dori were there during my darkest hours, when I was the most alone and afraid. Not just in speech, but in deed and in truth. They invested in my life, to help me find a future and a hope. Dr. Ron’s unswerving loyalty and friendship have been truly life-altering, and I have learned so much from him. He has been there for me from young adulthood (remember then?) until now. It seems so unfair that he hasn’t aged a bit, isn’t it?! 🙂
There isn’t a day that goes by where I am not reminded, in small ways and big, just how much impact Dr. Ron has had on my life. I will always remember the times we traded dry jokes, funny images and together ached over family and personal trials, and celebrated God’s strength and abundant compassion in the midst of it all.
Thank you Dr. Ron and Dori for your selfless service, ministry and friendship over the last 25+ years.
Dr. Ron, thank you for all the years of counseling, friendship, and mentoring. You’ve taught me invaluable lessons about being a husband, parent, and person. Thank you for all your support for such a long time.
Dr. Ron, thank you for your wisdom, ministry and love through the years. By your modeling, examples, stories, suggestions and tools, you have blessed and equipped us. Years back, you gave my neighbor, a copy of Jesus Calling which blessed her. The Lord has used you to touch many lives and is now calling you to himself. I know he will say, “Well done my faithful servant!” We are excited to be in heaven together with you and our Lord one day but are extremely saddened not to have you here on earth; a true loss for us, the angels will be rejoicing! We love you.
Ron has been my friend for 30 plus years.l also have been his hairdresser for that long. Threw the years he has showed great kindness to my family. He became more then a client, he’s a good friend. Ron and his son introduced my daughter and myself to our first computer.they gave us their time , and when we had a problem they were eager to help! My same daughter almost got abducted from the movie theater, after that she had these issues! Ron helped talk her threw them,she recovered nicely. I could go on and on about the giving heart he has! Threw the years we saw each other every six weeks. We shared our family’s Joys and Disappointments,our ups and downs and maybe even a few secrets- things you only share with a trusted friend. We also had a lot of laughs- sometimes best medicine is to laugh at yourself! He has given me some of the best advice about life and I tried to do the same for him. He has also helped strengthen my walk with the lord. Watching him threw the years how faithful he had been to GOD!! They say GOD has a plan for all of us, but I don’t understand this. Ron and Dori have been threw so much last couple of years!! I love them both and am praying GOD can find this miracle we’re looking for to heal Ron. My heart is broken that they both have to go through this. I’m asking all out their to pray for Ron and Dori. GOD wrap your arms around them and cleanse their body’s- guide them through this journey, also help us understand!! I put my faith in GOD!! Let’s keep Ron here so he can continue to help all humankind. I Love YOU!! Karen
I will miss you my friend ! Happy you’re home with God!! Sad for Dori and kids and all that new you!! Dori if you need anything please let know !! Would be glad to comfort you if your in need – please reach out. Love you Karen Porter
Ron, I preached Friday morning for Good Friday and felt God wanted me there and I wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t believed in me..I am married still bc you told me God knew what He was doing and so go love… I am at Biola after 26 years bc you told me teachers teach and God knew what He was doing ..when my sons ran face into trouble we called Ron bc we knew he would gives us valuable wisdom…I love you Ron I simply can’t imagine life without you and will commit to praying and seeking God’s infinite wisdom into your life as you go thru this horrific season..please know that when you asked God for wisdom He delivered and so we ask now for healing. Your friend Les
Ron Arko has been an informal member of the Bellows family for over 25 years.The depth of the relationship evidenced itself in His marrying both my late brother in 2003 snd my son in 2015. He spoke at my brothers funeral in 2011 at great personal sacrifice to himself. He counseled me gratis for one year when my real estate investments and couldnt afford to pay. Hundreds of late night phone calls have given me a wise counsel in difficult times- a strong source to lean upon. Ron is the real deal- the evil one has tried to destroy him unsuccessfully at least six times already. He and Dori have been through the valley of the shadow of death for months yet carry on nobly without a moment of doubt or loss of faith. They are heroes. Please remember them in your prayers. Ron has a lot left in his mission here. I am confident he will complete it with the humble grace he has always exhibited. The community needs him greatly.
I had a funny feeling that from the time you gave me your business card 27 years ago in the warehouse and you said to me to call you when I needed you, that I would be conversing with you in the future. I’ve had the awesome privilege of being counseled by you on and off, over the past 25 years. When I needed to talk to you, you’ve always made every effort to talk to me. I’ve been awed by your generosity of time to help me deal with my mom and brothers?I’m sure we’ve talked in over 300 counseling sessions over the years. With your help, you prepared me to be able to be married to my wonderful wife, Connie 22 years ago. With your help and counsel, Connie and I were able to help plant a Vineyard among our close friends in Northern England over 21 years ago in a small village in rural England. This church has approx. 100 members with 50 people attending each week with 20 guest speakers a year from around the world and all people from other churches in the area invited to attend these conferences. With your help, I’ve been able to successfully help mentor pastors and leaders over the phone and in person over the last 25 years. Ron, you’ve become a member of our family over the years, and we couldn’t have done all we have done without you! All our love and blessings, Steven and Connie Caffey