Dr. Ron-isms

Post your favorite bits of wisdom, humor or other meaning sayings or phrases you have heard Dr. Ron saying over the years. With over 35 years seeing patients, there has to be some good material you can share!

23 stories shared so far


    Dr. Ron:
    Would you like to do a lunch some week (pick a date), and we can meet somewhere after church services for a bit. .. Love to see the baby.

    Would the Sunday the 26th work @ El Torrito (State College & Ball Rd.) ?

    Dr. Ron:
    Dang it ! In my space time continuum that Sunday is the 27th, so I guess we will miss you by a quantum day.

    I’ll open a worm hole from the other parallel universe into yours and will meet you on the 27th ?

    Dr. Ron:
    Dori and I both laughed out loud at that. I hope your wife appreciates your genius level wit.
    Okawy, what time on that day works for you ? Noon ? 12:30 ?

    12:30 would work for our team as well.
    Do you require the galactic coordinates ??

    Dr Ron:
    I’m coming from the Degoba system,. You are on Alderon, Correct ?

    Correct. I’ll inform the federation. [..] etc.

    Miss you dr. Ron !

  2. Mark Gonzalez

    Thank you Dr. Ron for the change you have made in my family. Know that you are loved and prayed over regularly. We are grateful for who you are and the impact you have made in the lives of so many. Your strength and trust in your savior teach us all how to truly depend on our Savior!

  3. Cole Hambright

    Stress and worry are a waste of time. They can’t do anything to help a situation. They simply waste your energy. Prayer is actually doing something. Prayer allows you to ask God to change something which leads to real life results.

  4. Forrest Condon Wylder

    Ron has provided me many many insights and much wisdom:
    • God is orchestrating many things ahead of me, sometimes going into the past to do so.
    • When you see the majesty of God it is hard to be afraid.
    • Thankfulness encourages God to do more for me.
    • I must believe that God is good. Never stop believing that God is good.
    • Open the eyes of my heart to see your kindness, goodness, faithfulness and love.
    • God’s will will be done, the devil cannot stop God’s will.
    • Love breaks shame and fear in life
    • Vows are the allusion of self-protection
    • Belief that I will be safe, keeps us from love, does not keep us from hurt nor does it make us safer
    • My identity must be that the Father loves me and longs to be gracious to me.
    • Kind people who are right with God have the potential for the best relationships, if they have a like-minded person
    • Biblically, no harm done to us by another person is permanent.
    • Most people believe that Christ is about Love, Grace and Mercy…but He is also about Sanctification.
    • Forgiveness is transferring the debt to God for Him to collect on
    • Wisdom is seeing things through the eyes of God
    • Goal of Christian Counseling is to find that your identity is based on truth, not lies or feelings


    Best light bulb joke ever told to me by my friend Ron decades ago..my favorite by the way:

    How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? ONLY one…but it must want to change.


      funny thing about this joke, it obviously has a inner meaning which we can all live my…we keep wanting to change for the betterment of ourselves

  6. Gil

    You said “thanks are the highest form of thought”, and that “gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder”.

  7. Golding Jim

    A favorite, remembered from 25 years ago!
    “This is not the life I ordered.” In reference to the unplanned and unwanted vissisitudes of life intruding on his own journey at that time. Always appreciate his openness with me.
    And my cynical response which he helped me work through.
    “I feel like the sole purpose of my life is to be a warning to others.” !
    Also, one he probably borrowed from a Yiddish saying but new to me: “If you want to hear God laugh….just tell Him your plans.”’

  8. David Cat

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.


    GodIsNowHere(God Is Now Here!) 🙂😊😁
    …and NoThing can separate us from His Love, because we are the 🍎ofHis👁……😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  10. A blessed counselee

    “Loving is a life-long process”
    “If it’s the devil, we need to resist it”
    “Food for men: Trader Joe’s chocolate chip cookies”
    “Satan will always attack at greatest desires and fears”
    “If the Lord uses me, that is all that matters”
    “My spiritual journey led me to Jesus because the love I felt from Him”

  11. Adrienne

    “Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?”

    Michelangelo in his 90’s “I am learning still”

    Mark Twain quote on the role of cussing…..”Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.”

  12. Kyle Zimmerman

    All of these are a gift to my soul from Dr. Ron…thank you!

    Once you know you can be wrong, life gets so much easier.

    We put all our passion into what we believe is our redemption.

    All of satan’s power is an illusion of strength.

    Don’t define yourself by evil or lies.

    Grace is found in the struggle.

    Fearlessness = knowing your identity and walking in it.

    God’s will isn’t written on a speeding bullet that flies by your face.

    Don’t put your heart in harm’s way.

    Any voice you hear where redemption isn’t possible is a lie.

    People are attracted to courage.

    Devil can’t stop God’s will but a curse (lie) that we agree with can.

  13. Ron

    God is good. ALL the time. No matter what happens.
    “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us” -AW Tozier